Stat6: Demo


14. November 2023

Ordinationen I



# Für Ordinationen benötigen wir Matrizen, nicht Dataframes
# Generieren von Daten
raw <- matrix(c(1, 2, 2.5, 2.5, 1, 0.5, 0, 1, 2, 4, 3, 1), nrow = 6)
colnames(raw) <- c("Art1", "Art2")
rownames(raw) <- c("Ort1", "Ort2", "Ort3", "Ort4", "Ort5", "Ort6")
     Art1 Art2
Ort1  1.0    0
Ort2  2.0    1
Ort3  2.5    2
Ort4  2.5    4
Ort5  1.0    3
Ort6  0.5    1
# Originaldaten für Plot separieren
x1 <- raw[, 1]
y1 <- raw[, 2]
z <- c(rep(1:6))

# Plot Abhängigkeit der Arten vom Umweltgradienten
plot(c(x1, y1) ~ c(z, z),
  type = "n", axes = T, bty = "l",
  las = 1, xlim = c(1, 6), ylim = c(0, 5),
  xlab = "Umweltgradient", ylab = "Deckung der Arten"
points(x1 ~ z, pch = 21, type = "b")
points(y1 ~ z, pch = 16, type = "b")
text(1.5, 1.5, "Art 1", col = "darkgray")
text(1.5, 0.5, "Art 2", col = "darkgray")

# Daten zentrieren
# d.h. transformieren so, dass Mittelwert = 0
cent <- scale(raw, scale = FALSE)
x2 <- cent[, 1] # für nachfolgenden Plot speichern
y2 <- cent[, 2] # für nachfolgenden Plot speichern

# Daten zusätzlich rotieren
# PCA zentriert und rotiert Daten
o.pca <- pca(raw)
x3 <- o.pca$scores[, 1] # für nachfolgenden Plot speichern
y3 <- o.pca$scores[, 2] # für nachfolgenden Plot speichern

# Visualisierung der Schritte im Ordinationsraum
plot(c(y1, y2, y3) ~ c(x1, x2, x3),
  type = "n", axes = T, bty = "l", las = 1,
  xlim = c(-4, 4), ylim = c(-4, 4), xlab = "Art 1", ylab = "Art 2"
points(y1 ~ x1, pch = 21, type = "b", col = "green", lwd = 2)
text(-2.5, 4, "Originaldaten", col = "green")
points(y2 ~ x2, pch = 16, type = "b", col = "red", lwd = 2)
text(-2.5, 3.5, "Zentriert", col = "red")
points(y3 ~ x3, pch = 17, type = "b", col = "blue", lwd = 2)
text(-2.5, 3, "Zentriert & rotiert", col = "blue")

# Durchführung der PCA
o.pca <- pca(raw)

# Koordinaten im Ordinationsraum
            PC1         PC2
Ort1 -1.9216223 -0.09357697
Ort2 -0.6353776 -0.68143293
Ort3  0.4762699 -0.80076373
Ort4  2.3503705 -0.10237502
Ort5  0.8895287  0.95400610
Ort6 -1.1591692  0.72414255
# Korrelationen der Variablen mit den Ordinationsachsen
           PC1        PC2
Art1 0.3491944 -0.9370503
Art2 0.9370503  0.3491944
# Erklärte Varianz der Achsen
E <- o.pca$sdev^2 / o.pca$totdev * 100
[1] 82.40009 17.59991
# Visualisieren mit prcomp
pca.2 <- prcomp(raw, scale = F)
Importance of components:
                         PC1    PC2
Standard deviation     1.548 0.7154
Proportion of Variance 0.824 0.1760
Cumulative Proportion  0.824 1.0000
plot(pca.2) #


# mit vegan
# Die Funktion rda führt ein PCA aus an wenn nicht Artdaten UND Umweltdaten definiert werden
pca.3 <- rda(raw, scale = FALSE)
# scores(pca.3, display = c("sites"))
# scores(pca.3, display = c("species"))
summary(pca.3, axes = 0)

rda(X = raw, scale = FALSE) 

Partitioning of variance:
              Inertia Proportion
Total           2.908          1
Unconstrained   2.908          1

Eigenvalues, and their contribution to the variance 

Importance of components:
                        PC1    PC2
Eigenvalue            2.396 0.5119
Proportion Explained  0.824 0.1760
Cumulative Proportion 0.824 1.0000

Scaling 2 for species and site scores
* Species are scaled proportional to eigenvalues
* Sites are unscaled: weighted dispersion equal on all dimensions
* General scaling constant of scores:  

# Mit Beispieldaten aus Wildi
sveg <- read_delim("datasets/stat5-8/dave_sveg.csv")

# PCA: Deckungen Wurzeltransformiert, cor=TRUE erzwingt Nutzung der Korrelationsmatrix
pca.5 <- pca(sveg^0.25, cor = TRUE) # "hoch 0.25" = "^1/4" =  "4te Wurzel"
# Koordinaten im Ordinationsraum

# Korrelationen der Variablen mit den Ordinationsachsen
# Erklärte Varianz der Achsen in Prozent (sdev ist die Wurzel daraus)
E <- pca.5$sdev^2 / pca.5$totdev * 100
 [1] 2.061885e+01 8.098205e+00 6.070537e+00 3.666650e+00 3.322363e+00
 [6] 3.128942e+00 3.003875e+00 2.634636e+00 2.605558e+00 2.449637e+00
[11] 2.339344e+00 2.265430e+00 2.116464e+00 2.046578e+00 1.969912e+00
[16] 1.871020e+00 1.777063e+00 1.693483e+00 1.524015e+00 1.503332e+00
[21] 1.434245e+00 1.378271e+00 1.329404e+00 1.291336e+00 1.251895e+00
[26] 1.186157e+00 1.109340e+00 1.068661e+00 1.044385e+00 9.891552e-01
[31] 9.764586e-01 8.869747e-01 8.451212e-01 8.049318e-01 7.603242e-01
[36] 7.311274e-01 6.945830e-01 6.339064e-01 6.063542e-01 5.502527e-01
[41] 5.411059e-01 4.956931e-01 4.795188e-01 4.601244e-01 3.936176e-01
[46] 3.477631e-01 3.402128e-01 3.165971e-01 2.951856e-01 2.728882e-01
[51] 2.635725e-01 2.233500e-01 2.125542e-01 1.989449e-01 1.681852e-01
[56] 1.555571e-01 1.485298e-01 1.271079e-01 9.164615e-02 7.880113e-02
[61] 5.913306e-02 5.113452e-02 4.066351e-30
[1] 20.618848  8.098205  6.070537  3.666650  3.322363

# PCA-Plot der Lage der Beobachtungen im Ordinationsraum
plot(pca.5$scores[, 1], pca.5$scores[, 2], type = "n", asp = 1, xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2")
points(pca.5$scores[, 1], pca.5$scores[, 2], pch = 18)

# Subjektive Auswahl von Arten zur Darstellung
sel.sp <- c(3, 11, 23, 39, 46, 72, 77, 96)
snames <- names(sveg[, sel.sp])
[1] "Vaccinium.oxycoccos" "Carex.echinata"      "Arnica.montana"     
[4] "Carex.pulicaris"     "Sphagnum.recurvum"   "Viola.palustris"    
[7] "Galium.uliginosum"   "Stachys.officinalis"
# PCA-Plot der Korrelationen der Variablen (hier Arten) mit den Achsen (h)
x <- pca.5$loadings[, 1]
y <- pca.5$loadings[, 2]
plot(x, y, type = "n", asp = 1)
arrows(0, 0, x[sel.sp], y[sel.sp], length = 0.08)
text(x[sel.sp], y[sel.sp], snames, pos = 1, cex = 0.6)

# Mit vegan
pca.6 <- rda(sveg^0.25, scale = TRUE)
# Erklärte Varianz der Achsen
summary(pca.6, axes = 0)

rda(X = sveg^0.25, scale = TRUE) 

Partitioning of correlations:
              Inertia Proportion
Total             119          1
Unconstrained     119          1

Eigenvalues, and their contribution to the correlations 

Importance of components:
                          PC1     PC2     PC3     PC4     PC5     PC6     PC7
Eigenvalue            24.5364 9.63686 7.22394 4.36331 3.95361 3.72344 3.57461
Proportion Explained   0.2062 0.08098 0.06071 0.03667 0.03322 0.03129 0.03004
Cumulative Proportion  0.2062 0.28717 0.34788 0.38454 0.41777 0.44906 0.47909
                          PC8     PC9   PC10    PC11    PC12    PC13    PC14
Eigenvalue            3.13522 3.10061 2.9151 2.78382 2.69586 2.51859 2.43543
Proportion Explained  0.02635 0.02606 0.0245 0.02339 0.02265 0.02116 0.02047
Cumulative Proportion 0.50544 0.53150 0.5560 0.57939 0.60204 0.62320 0.64367
                        PC15    PC16    PC17    PC18    PC19    PC20    PC21
Eigenvalue            2.3442 2.22651 2.11470 2.01524 1.81358 1.78896 1.70675
Proportion Explained  0.0197 0.01871 0.01777 0.01693 0.01524 0.01503 0.01434
Cumulative Proportion 0.6634 0.68208 0.69985 0.71679 0.73203 0.74706 0.76140
                         PC22    PC23    PC24    PC25    PC26    PC27    PC28
Eigenvalue            1.64014 1.58199 1.53669 1.48976 1.41153 1.32011 1.27171
Proportion Explained  0.01378 0.01329 0.01291 0.01252 0.01186 0.01109 0.01069
Cumulative Proportion 0.77518 0.78848 0.80139 0.81391 0.82577 0.83687 0.84755
                         PC29     PC30     PC31    PC32     PC33     PC34
Eigenvalue            1.24282 1.177095 1.161986 1.05550 1.005694 0.957869
Proportion Explained  0.01044 0.009892 0.009765 0.00887 0.008451 0.008049
Cumulative Proportion 0.85800 0.867887 0.877652 0.88652 0.894973 0.903022
                          PC35     PC36     PC37     PC38     PC39     PC40
Eigenvalue            0.904786 0.870042 0.826554 0.754349 0.721562 0.654801
Proportion Explained  0.007603 0.007311 0.006946 0.006339 0.006064 0.005503
Cumulative Proportion 0.910626 0.917937 0.924883 0.931222 0.937285 0.942788
                          PC41     PC42     PC43     PC44     PC45     PC46
Eigenvalue            0.643916 0.589875 0.570627 0.547548 0.468405 0.413838
Proportion Explained  0.005411 0.004957 0.004795 0.004601 0.003936 0.003478
Cumulative Proportion 0.948199 0.953156 0.957951 0.962552 0.966488 0.969966
                          PC47     PC48     PC49     PC50     PC51     PC52
Eigenvalue            0.404853 0.376750 0.351271 0.324737 0.313651 0.265787
Proportion Explained  0.003402 0.003166 0.002952 0.002729 0.002636 0.002234
Cumulative Proportion 0.973368 0.976534 0.979486 0.982215 0.984851 0.987084
                          PC53     PC54     PC55     PC56     PC57     PC58
Eigenvalue            0.252939 0.236744 0.200140 0.185113 0.176750 0.151258
Proportion Explained  0.002126 0.001989 0.001682 0.001556 0.001485 0.001271
Cumulative Proportion 0.989210 0.991199 0.992881 0.994436 0.995922 0.997193
                           PC59     PC60      PC61      PC62
Eigenvalue            0.1090589 0.093773 0.0703683 0.0608501
Proportion Explained  0.0009165 0.000788 0.0005913 0.0005113
Cumulative Proportion 0.9981093 0.998897 0.9994887 1.0000000

Scaling 2 for species and site scores
* Species are scaled proportional to eigenvalues
* Sites are unscaled: weighted dispersion equal on all dimensions
* General scaling constant of scores:  
# PCA-Plot der Lage der Beobachtungen im Ordinationsraum
biplot(pca.6, display = "sites", type = "points", scaling = 1)

# Subjektive Auswahl von Arten zur Darstellung
sel.sp <- c(3, 11, 23, 39, 46, 72, 77, 96)
snames <- names(sveg[, sel.sp])
[1] "Vaccinium.oxycoccos" "Carex.echinata"      "Arnica.montana"     
[4] "Carex.pulicaris"     "Sphagnum.recurvum"   "Viola.palustris"    
[7] "Galium.uliginosum"   "Stachys.officinalis"
# PCA-Plot der Korrelationen der Variablen (hier Arten) mit den Achsen (h)
scores <- scores(pca.6, display = "species")
x <- scores[, 1]
y <- scores[, 2]
plot(x, y, type = "n", asp = 1)
arrows(0, 0, x[sel.sp], y[sel.sp], length = 0.08)
text(x[sel.sp], y[sel.sp], snames, pos = 1, cex = 0.6)

# Mit angepassten Achsen
plot(x, y, type = "n", asp = 1, xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(-0.6, 0.6))
arrows(0, 0, x[sel.sp], y[sel.sp], length = 0.08)
text(x[sel.sp], y[sel.sp], snames, pos = 1, cex = 0.6)


ca.1 <- cca(sveg^0.5) # Wurzeltransformierte Deckungen 
# Arten (o) und Communities (+) plotten

# Nur Arten plotten
plot(ca.1, display = "species", type = "points")

# Anteilige Varianz, die durch die ersten beiden Achsen erklärt wird
ca.1$CA$eig[1:2] / sum(ca.1$CA$eig)
      CA1       CA2 
0.1938717 0.0784178 
Importance of components:
                         CA1     CA2     CA3     CA4     CA5     CA6     CA7
Eigenvalue            0.4248 0.17182 0.12995 0.09102 0.07954 0.07274 0.06705
Proportion Explained  0.1939 0.07842 0.05931 0.04154 0.03630 0.03320 0.03060
Cumulative Proportion 0.1939 0.27229 0.33160 0.37314 0.40944 0.44264 0.47324
                          CA8     CA9    CA10    CA11    CA12    CA13   CA14
Eigenvalue            0.06245 0.05811 0.05348 0.05261 0.05133 0.04868 0.0480
Proportion Explained  0.02850 0.02652 0.02441 0.02401 0.02343 0.02222 0.0219
Cumulative Proportion 0.50174 0.52826 0.55267 0.57668 0.60010 0.62232 0.6442
                         CA15    CA16    CA17    CA18    CA19    CA20    CA21
Eigenvalue            0.04421 0.04279 0.03913 0.03752 0.03699 0.03412 0.03309
Proportion Explained  0.02018 0.01953 0.01786 0.01712 0.01688 0.01557 0.01510
Cumulative Proportion 0.66440 0.68393 0.70179 0.71892 0.73580 0.75137 0.76647
                         CA22    CA23    CA24    CA25    CA26    CA27    CA28
Eigenvalue            0.03253 0.03033 0.02963 0.02718 0.02621 0.02486 0.02372
Proportion Explained  0.01485 0.01384 0.01352 0.01241 0.01196 0.01135 0.01083
Cumulative Proportion 0.78132 0.79516 0.80869 0.82109 0.83305 0.84440 0.85523
                         CA29     CA30     CA31     CA32     CA33     CA34
Eigenvalue            0.02262 0.021397 0.020274 0.018805 0.018216 0.017737
Proportion Explained  0.01032 0.009765 0.009253 0.008582 0.008314 0.008095
Cumulative Proportion 0.86555 0.875318 0.884571 0.893153 0.901467 0.909561
                          CA35    CA36     CA37     CA38     CA39     CA40
Eigenvalue            0.016855 0.01422 0.014044 0.013002 0.011367 0.011185
Proportion Explained  0.007693 0.00649 0.006409 0.005934 0.005188 0.005105
Cumulative Proportion 0.917254 0.92374 0.930153 0.936087 0.941275 0.946379
                          CA41     CA42     CA43     CA44     CA45     CA46
Eigenvalue            0.010417 0.010172 0.009513 0.009183 0.008162 0.007993
Proportion Explained  0.004754 0.004643 0.004342 0.004191 0.003725 0.003648
Cumulative Proportion 0.951133 0.955776 0.960118 0.964308 0.968033 0.971681
                          CA47     CA48     CA49     CA50    CA51     CA52
Eigenvalue            0.006900 0.006684 0.006108 0.005493 0.00515 0.004995
Proportion Explained  0.003149 0.003051 0.002788 0.002507 0.00235 0.002279
Cumulative Proportion 0.974830 0.977881 0.980668 0.983176 0.98553 0.987805
                          CA53     CA54     CA55     CA56     CA57     CA58
Eigenvalue            0.004426 0.004011 0.003517 0.003455 0.003059 0.002279
Proportion Explained  0.002020 0.001830 0.001605 0.001577 0.001396 0.001040
Cumulative Proportion 0.989825 0.991656 0.993261 0.994837 0.996233 0.997274
                           CA59      CA60      CA61      CA62
Eigenvalue            0.0019296 0.0017784 0.0011904 0.0010752
Proportion Explained  0.0008807 0.0008116 0.0005433 0.0004907
Cumulative Proportion 0.9981544 0.9989660 0.9995093 1.0000000


dca.1 <- decorana(sveg, mk = 10)
plot(dca.1, display = "sites", type = "point")

dca.2 <- decorana(sveg, mk = 100)
plot(dca.2, display = "sites", type = "point")


# Distanzmatrix als Start erzeugen (PCA)
mde <- vegdist(sveg, method = "euclidean")

# Alternative mit einem für Vegetationsdaten häufig verwendeten Dissimilarity-index
mde <- vegdist(sveg, method = "bray")

# Z wei verschiedene NMDS-Methoden
set.seed(1) # macht man, wenn man bei einer Wiederholung exakt die gleichen Ergebnisse will
imds <- isoMDS(mde, k = 2)
initial  value 16.524491 
iter   5 value 12.518681
iter  10 value 12.025808
iter  10 value 12.020751
iter  10 value 12.020751
final  value 12.020751 
mmds <- metaMDS(mde, k = 2)
Run 0 stress 0.1179909 
Run 1 stress 0.1179909 
... Procrustes: rmse 1.11122e-05  max resid 4.697213e-05 
... Similar to previous best
Run 2 stress 0.170918 
Run 3 stress 0.1529993 
Run 4 stress 0.1179909 
... Procrustes: rmse 2.021269e-06  max resid 1.184555e-05 
... Similar to previous best
Run 5 stress 0.1252011 
Run 6 stress 0.1583424 
Run 7 stress 0.1181212 
... Procrustes: rmse 0.006525662  max resid 0.04396629 
Run 8 stress 0.1596312 
Run 9 stress 0.1630026 
Run 10 stress 0.1179909 
... New best solution
... Procrustes: rmse 3.475822e-06  max resid 2.360888e-05 
... Similar to previous best
Run 11 stress 0.1538119 
Run 12 stress 0.1252011 
Run 13 stress 0.1500845 
Run 14 stress 0.1251634 
Run 15 stress 0.1251634 
Run 16 stress 0.1179909 
... Procrustes: rmse 5.655652e-06  max resid 1.960818e-05 
... Similar to previous best
Run 17 stress 0.1179909 
... Procrustes: rmse 7.036898e-06  max resid 2.755273e-05 
... Similar to previous best
Run 18 stress 0.1179909 
... Procrustes: rmse 1.0129e-05  max resid 3.793497e-05 
... Similar to previous best
Run 19 stress 0.1251572 
Run 20 stress 0.1179909 
... Procrustes: rmse 5.011736e-06  max resid 2.261906e-05 
... Similar to previous best
*** Best solution repeated 5 times


# Stress = S² = Abweichung der zweidimensionalen NMDS-Lösung von der originalen Distanzmatrix
stressplot(imds, mde)

stressplot(mmds, mde)